LIL012 / LIL013 | JEREMIAH Lloyd Harmon | Desert / CANYON

Artist: Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon

Description: To Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon, this album spans a season of his life that was full of chaos, change and uncertainty. These songs were written between 2018-2021, a time when he moved 4 times, fell in love with his first boyfriend, graduated college(after 8 years of dropping in and out), spilled his guts out on national tv, released two other albums, survived a pandemic, lost his grandfather whom he was named after, bought his first car and explored places he'd never been before, both geographically and emotionally.

On the other side of the turmoil "Desert / Canyon" was recorded remotely in Joshua Tree and Topanga Canyon using an 8-channel Apollo X8P mixer and a couple microphones. Harmon's vocals and guitar/keys were cut live with the band. Everyone in the same room together. No studio trickery... Just great songs played by great musicians. The result? An immediacy that stands out in today's musical landscape.

Release Date: September 23, 2022


Spotify Desert / Canyon

Apple Music Desert / Canyon


1-7 recorded at Time Machine, Joshua Tree, CA.
February 8th - 12th, 2020


8-13 recorded at The Homestead, Topanga Canyon, CA.
July 14th - 20th, 2021.

14 recorded at BIG EGO on July 21st, 2021.

Musicians Featured:


  • Cover Photography by Olivia Hemaratanatorn

  • Inner Photography by Chris Schlarb

  • Layout by David J. Woodruff